Girls, allow me to let you in on a hidden truth:  We ALL deal with insecurities. Every. Single. One of us.

Believe it or not, the really pretty girls – the ones with the perfect skin and teeth and hair and body – are very often the MOST insecure. Seriously! I have seen it over and over again. We look at those girls and think how much we wish we could look like them, and they look at themselves and pick out every flaw. Image result for insecurity

Girls who are smart or athletic or talented struggle with comparing themselves to those who are smarter, more athletic, or more talented. Even the ones who are “the best” battle with feeling like they don’t quite measure up. Some more than others, certainly, but everyone, at some point feels “less than”.

So losing that weight, getting your face cleared up, or minimizing the thigh gap won’t solve the problem. Neither will studying harder or working out longer or taking voice/dance/acting lessons. None of those are wrong, necessarily, in themselves. But if you are pursuing any of them as a solution to your insecurities, then you will discover that you never “arrive”.

The real issue, friends, is that we think WAY too much about ourselves. It’s a form of pride…I’m not pretty enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough. Take a minute and think about how often you think about yourself in a given day. Or even a given hour. A lot, right?

So the solution to these issues isn’t the latest fad diet or cream or clinic. The solution to insecurity is thinking of yourself less. Focus on God’s word and His work. Knowing everyone is battling with something, look for ways to build others up. Fill your mind with Truth and share that Truth with others. Point out what is lovely in your friends and encourage them with that. Meditate on scripture, and allow God’s words to fill those places in your mind that are overfilled with “you”. Don’t leave space in your mind for the “not good enough” thoughts. Remind yourself that you were made by God, and He loves you.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil. 4:8