Cheating is for Losers

AI has come upon educators like a tsunami. Students now have the ability to type in a prompt and get a fully completed essay, report, or answer to a math problem. It’s not that cheating hasn’t existed before now, but it’s just so easy these days. I...

Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis

C.S. Lewis’ greatest and least-known work is his final novel, Till We Have Faces. This novel is a combination of everything Lewis loved, and it is his fiction writing at its most glorious and most mature. Based on the myth of Cupid and Psyche, the novel’s protagonist...

Spiritual Trauma

I’ve been listening to a podcast, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, which is both interesting and painful. What pains me most is the testimonies of those hurt by toxic leaders who mistreat others in the name of Christ. I find myself identifying with them – a...

Murals and Post-It Notes

(This post is adapted from a talk I recently gave to the ABIDE Women’s group at Truett McConnel University) My daughter Emma and I were at a museum in Knoxville TN last month. For me, the most memorable exhibit was a mural titled, “History of...