I was watching a TV show this week in which a girl was condemned by her pastor for questioning God. When the girl asked why she shouldn’t do that, the pastor just fumbled (he was portrayed as an idiot) and said, “Because…He’s God!”

Image result for vernon mcgee quote about universe"

The take-home message is one I’ve seen far too often in films, TV, and books (not to mention the news!) — Christians are mindless, ignorant fools who use our belief in the supremacy of God as a crutch or an excuse to avoid real issues.

Listen, you can’t read the Bible without encountering great men and women who questioned God. Jacob wrestled with Him, Moses argued with Him, Esther tried to talk Him out of using her, David got mad at Him…the list goes on. God never says we can’t be honest with Him or express our feelings. But as each of these saints cried out in their different ways, through their different circumstances, they came to the same conclusion: “He’s God!”

And, friends, this isn’t a cop-out conclusion. It isn’t a way to avoid the difficult questions or live a passive life.

The reality is that we aren’t God. And that’s a reality that, frankly, doesn’t set well with a lot of folks. We live in a society where personal authority is more important than anything else. We want to do what we want, when we want it, how we want it, and we don’t want anyone telling us no.

And so people who believe they are the ultimate authority condemn those of us who believe we aren’t. Meanwhile, the evidence is stacked in our favor: Life can’t be controlled, no matter how rich or powerful we are.

And the fact is this: There’s much more peace, purpose, and joy in living in the reality that “God is God, and I am not.” When I understand that, I can be like Esther and bravely face an impossible situation. I can be like David, and stare down an enemy that reduces everyone else to tears. I can be bold and confident, knowing that the God of the universe is with me, guiding me, and sustaining me.

It isn’t ignorant to believe we are not in control. It’s reality! And the more we know God, through His word and prayer and fellowship with other believers, the more bold we can be for Him, the more risks we can take. It isn’t the “safe” road to recognize that God is God. But it is the path that leads to great joy and abundant life.

So, friends, let’s not be classified as ignorant. Know who you are, WHOSE you are, and what you believe. And boldly declare it.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8