Have any of you guys played the pool game, “Sharks and Minnows”? It’s the one where everyone in the pool is a “minnow” who starts on one side. The “shark” dives in on the other side and tries to tag the minnows as they swim across the pool to safety.Sharks and Minnows for Science! - Adam J. Hamilton, J.D.

I feel like I’m in that game every time I log into my social media. Or turn on the news. Except that the sharks seem to outnumber the minnows and the pool is full of blood.

I get that folks have opinions. And I get they feel strongly about those opinions. And I get that the issues we’re dealing with aren’t minor. Many on both sides are seriously concerned about the future of our country, about decisions that will last for generations, about current issues that affect the here-and-now. These are life-and-death issues. I get it!

But it seems like a lot of people, in their passion for their position, forget that those who disagree are still humans. They’re still made in the image of God, still worthy of respect.

We can disagree without being disagreeable.

How do we do this?

Stick to the issues. Argue your point, don’t attack those who disagree with it.

Pray for your enemies. It’s tough to be nasty to someone you’re praying for! And prayer reminds us of the value that each person has, as a creation of God.

Shut your mouth. The 24-hour news cycles have created a climate of saying the same thing 100 different ways. State your position, interact with those who disagree, then be quiet! You’re not going to filibuster someone into your position. You’re just going to annoy them.

Think before you post. Most political posts are completely ineffective. I don’t know anyone who was moved to “switch sides” by reading an article shared or a rant in someone’s story. I’m not saying never post anything political – it’s a free country! But just because you can post it doesn’t mean you should.

For example, my husband noticed a post he disagreed with a couple weeks ago. The guy that posted it is a good friend. So Dave picked up the phone and called him. They had a really great conversation. Both shared their perspectives, clarified misconceptions, and ended up laughing at the end. They didn’t agree with each other, but they got along. And they respected the other person. We need more of that, friends!

Pray some more. There is no politician on this earth who can solve our problems. We are a people in need of a Savior, no doubt – and that Savior is JESUS. Pray for ALL our politicians, ALL our citizens. Pray for God’s mercy and grace. Appeals to Him will go much farther than arguments with others ever will.

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Rom. 12:18