Sometimes, I just don’t feel like writing. It’s not “fear of the blank screen” as much as just a general feeling of disinterest: No desire, no ideas, no creativity.

So what do I do?

I write anyway.

I feel about writing the way some people feel about exercise – I do it even when I don’t want to until, eventually, I start enjoying it. Because I really do love writing. I just forget sometimes. So I need to start writing again to remind myself that I love it.

There are plenty of  times when I write because I need to, not because I feel like it. If I have a deadline looming, for instance, then I write. I set a goal (3000-4000 words), and I don’t let myself stop writing until I get there (no editing, proofing, going back to change words or add to scenes….that comes later). No excuses. I have a job and I have people depending on me to complete that job on time.

I am not immune to writer’s block. But I refuse to let it control me. Even if what I write is terrible and I end up deleting it all and rewriting (that has happened more than once!), at least I’ve put fingers to the keyboard. I have done something. I have pushed past the blah, ignored the “you can’t do this” thoughts and pressed on.

What about you? How do YOU deal with writer’s block?