
This is the time of year that we tend to think about Thankfulness. But, really, thankfulness should be part of our every day lives. Our minds are our greatest battlefield. What better way to “arm” ourselves for battle than by filling our minds with what is...

But I Can’t…

I realized this week that the jobs I really love are all jobs I initially thought were impossible for me. Take teaching, for example. I never dreamed of being a teacher. I didn’t even like school all that much. But my junior year of high school, the sponsor of...


Bullying is a real issue today — with people of all ages. Whether it’s face-to-face or over social media, the rise in bullying is frightening. But what is bullying? When is it just a bad day or a difficult personality or even an overly emotional...


You know how God delights in putting us in situations where we’re sure we can’t do something? That happened to me this year. I was asked to add Elementary Drama to my teaching load. A little background: I was an Elementary Ed major for about five minutes....