
I woke up this morning feeling so anxious. Typically, I’m fairly calm, so waking up anxious is not normal for me. But when it does happen, it’s ugly. I usually go down a path that creates more anxiety: I think about worst-case scenarios for whatever it is...

Don’t Turn Around

I was driving on the highway the other day, I forget where, and way down on the other side, I saw a really long line of cars. There must have been an accident or road work. I’m not sure. But when we drove past, the road was just starting to clear and cars were...

A Boat Full of Fish

I’m a little late to the party, but I just started watching “The Chosen”. And wow. It is SO good. Last week, I watched the episode where Simon (Peter) and his friends spent all night trying to catch fish, with no luck; and then Jesus came up in the...

Learning from the Best

I’m finishing up the first of three intensive summer semesters toward a Masters in Theater. And it has indeed been intense!! But also amazing. It’s been unique, as well, since we’re online when it’s usually an on-campus program. We’ve...

A Light Unto My Feet

As I noted in the previous post — we’re moving! And we have a destination: Memphis TN (*cue Elvis playlist*). I’ll be honest – what I was hoping when I wrote that last post was that the next one would be full of answers and exclamation points....

Destination Unknown

We are moving. Our sweet little school that we love so much was one of the casualties of COVID-19. It’s heartbreaking, as this wasn’t just a place we worked, it was a family. I loved my coworkers, my students. I loved going to work everyday. God was...